Other questions in this quiz

2. What are built up from amino acids?

  • Proteins
  • Minerals
  • Organs
  • Sugars

3. Why is it converted into starch?

  • Starch contains more energy
  • Glucose is water soluble
  • Glucose is harder to break down
  • Starch is needed for respiration, not glucose

4. What is the equation for respiration?

  • Oxygen + Glucose > Carbon Dioxide + Water
  • Oxygen + Water > Carbon Dioxide + Glucose
  • Carbon Dioxide +Water > Oxygen + Glucose
  • Oxygen + Glucose + Carbon Dioxide > Water

5. What are the mitochondria?

  • Cells in the heart
  • Pathogens
  • The site of aerobic respiration
  • Insects that are vectors of diseases


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