B3a questions

  • Created by: _Holly
  • Created on: 11-05-13 18:12
Give the function of the atria
They contract, pushing blood into the ventricles
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Give the function of the ventricles
They contract, pushing blood out of the heart through the pulmonary artery and aorta
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Give the function of the valves
They stop the blood going backwards
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Why do arteries need very muscular, elastic walls?
The blood comes out of the heart under very high pressure so the arteries need to be strong
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How are the capillaries adapted to their function?
They are small - need to reach every cell in the body, 1 cell thick - short diffusion distance, permeable walls - so substances can diffuse in and out
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What's the substance in red blood cells called and what is it when it combines with oxygen?
A red pigment called haemoglobin combines with oxygen in the lungs to become oxyhaemoglobin. In cells it splits to release oxygen
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What are cell fragments called that help blood to clot? Why is it important that blood clots?
Platelets help clot blood, they are small fragments of cells that have no nucleus. They stop blood pouring out and stop microorganisms getting in
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How do artificial blood products keep people alive?
A salt solution (saline) replaces lost blood so people can produce more red blood cells
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What does a stent do?
They keep arteries open so that blood can get to the heart muscle when the artery gets blocked with fatty deposits (coronary heart disease)
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Define homeostasis
Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment
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4 things that the body needs to keep constant
Body temperature, water content, ion content and blood sugar level
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What 3 things can the body do to reduce heat loss if it gets too cold?
Hairs stand up to trap an insulating layer of air, no sweat is produced, blood vessels suppying skin capillaries constrict to close off the skin's blood supply
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What 3 main jobs do the kidney do?
Remove urea, adjust ion content, adjust water content
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Give 3 ways in which water is lost from the body
In urine, sweat and the air we breathe out
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Why is your urine likely to be more concentrated on a hot day?
You sweat a lot to cool down and so produce less urine which is concentrated because there is less water in it
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Name 3 things that are reabsorbed by the kidneys
All the sugar, sufficient ions and sufficient water
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How does kidney dialysis work?
Blood travels along a partial-permeablee membrane which allows ions and waste through but not proteins, it is surrounded by dialysis fluid which has the same concentration of ions and glucose as healthy blood, waste and excess ions and water diffuse
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What are the advantages of a kidney transplant over dialysis?
It is a cure, is cheaper for the NHS to run and is less time consuming
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What are the disadvantages of a kidney transplant over dialysis?
There are long waiting lists of people waiting to get a kidney, the kidney has to be a close tissue match and the patient has to take drugs which supress the immune system, so the person is vulnerable to other illnesses
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What happens when your blood glucose is too high?
Insulin is secreted by the pancreas which makes the liver turn glucose into glycogen so the blood glucose is reduced
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What happens when your blood glucose is too low?
Glucagon is secreted by the pancreas whicih makes the liver turn glycagen into glucose so blood glucose is increased
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What causes type 1 diabetes?
The pancreas producing little or no insulin si the person's blood glucose can rise to a level which can kill them
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How can it be controlled?
Avoiding foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates, ie sugars, which can cause glucose levels to rise rapidly. Injecting insulin into the blood at meali=times to make the liver remove the glucose as soon as it enters the blood from the gut
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give the function of the ventricles


They contract, pushing blood out of the heart through the pulmonary artery and aorta

Card 3


Give the function of the valves


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why do arteries need very muscular, elastic walls?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How are the capillaries adapted to their function?


Preview of the front of card 5
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