B3 4.1 The effects of the population explosion

list three bad effects of population growth
we are using up raw matericals and those that are non renewable cannot be replaced / we are producing more waste and pollution / we are reducing amount of land available for animals and plants nby building, quarrying, farming and dumping waste
1 of 6
name the three things humans pollute
air, water and land
2 of 6
how do humans pollute waterways?
with sewage, fertiliser and toxic chemicals
3 of 6
how do humans pollute the air?
with smoke and gases such as sulfur dioxide which contributes to acid rain
4 of 6
how do humans pollute the land
with toxic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides and these can then be washed into the water
5 of 6
why does building houses for humans affect animals and plants?
land has to be cleared which destroys their habitats
6 of 6

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Card 2


name the three things humans pollute


air, water and land

Card 3


how do humans pollute waterways?


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Card 4


how do humans pollute the air?


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Card 5


how do humans pollute the land


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