Other questions in this quiz

2. over how many hours does a circadian rhythm show the same pattern?

  • 72 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 12 hours

3. Define Photoperiodicity (photoperiodism)

  • the response of a plant that changes as day length changes
  • the response of an animal that changes as day length changes
  • the response of the sun that changes as the seasons change
  • the response of the weather that changes as the seasons change

4. what are circadian rhythms controlled by?

  • involuntary biorhythms
  • an internal biological clock
  • the bodies reflex actions
  • the hypothalamus

5. what does 'Circadian' come from? (the latin word for...)

  • Circa = equally, and dies = a day and night
  • Circa = about, and dies = a day
  • Circa = about, and dian = a week
  • Circa = around, and dies = 2 weeks


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