B2 flashcards all you need to know!

What 3 molecules can pass through cell membranes and what 2 can't?
3: water, amino acids, glucose 2:proteins, starch
1 of 13
whats the sceintific name for a group of similar cells?
2 of 13
why are enzymes called biological catalysts?
they speed up rate of reaction and organisms produce them
3 of 13
what does lipase breakdown and where is it made?
fats into fatty acids and glycerol, lipase is made in the pancrease and small intestine
4 of 13
why is it easier for stem cells from embryo's to differentiate rather than from bone marrow?
It's because a operation is needed to extract the stem cells also bone marrow stem cells can only differentiate into blood cells to treat diseases like leukemia.
5 of 13
name two reasons why some people are against extracting stem cells from embryos?
because they believe its violating human dignity and that it's deystroy a potential life
6 of 13
whats unaltered preservation?
when conditions for decay aren't avaible e.g. peat bog
7 of 13
what are moulds and casts?
its when other materials begin to replace organism and turns into rock
8 of 13
whats mineral replacement?
when hard parts of an organism such as shells and bones don't decay properly.
9 of 13
what are trace fossils?
these are things like footprints etc left by the organism
10 of 13
why don't we have a lot of evidence of early life on earth?
most of the first organisms where soft bodied.
11 of 13
what can cause a specie to evolve into another specie?
this can happen is isolation occurs which could be things like mountains or rivers. It means that genes can't be exchanged.
12 of 13
3 differences between meiosis and mtosis?
meiosis: happens in sexual reproduction, makes 4 daughter cells and divides twice mitosis: happens in asexual reproduction, divides once produces 2 genetically identical daughter cells
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


whats the sceintific name for a group of similar cells?



Card 3


why are enzymes called biological catalysts?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does lipase breakdown and where is it made?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why is it easier for stem cells from embryo's to differentiate rather than from bone marrow?


Preview of the front of card 5
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