
When is it thought that life on Earth began - but why is it difficult to be sure?
We think life began 3-4 billion years ago but there's not much valid evidence
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What are fossils?
Remains of organisms from thousands/millions of years ago
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What are 4 ways that fossils can be formed?
1. Hard bits of animals that don't decay 2. When an animal/plant doesn't decay after death (e.g. no oxygen) 3. When harder parts are replaced by other minerals 4. Traces left behind (like footprints)
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Why are there no fossils of the first organisms?
They were soft-bodied
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Why are some fossils formed but never found?
They can be destroyed by geological activity
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What can the fossil record help us to understand? Why is this understanding limited?
We can see how much organisms have changed since life first developed on Earth - but only small bits of skeleton/shells have been found
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What animal has not changed much over the last million years and why?
Sharks - their environment hasn't changed much
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How many species is it predicted that have existed since the beginning of life? How many are alive today?
4 billion - with just a few million alive today
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What is extinction and what causes it?
Permanent loss off all members of a species caused when they can't cope with environmental changes
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What are examples of condition changes that may begin the process of extinction?
New predators, diseases or more successful competitors
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When we talk about climate change, what time-frame are we talking about?
Millions & billions of years
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How many mas-extinctions have there been throughout history?
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When and why did the dinosaurs become extinct?
65 million years ago after a giant asteroid hit the Earth, which caused fires and earthquakes, and material in the atmosphere covered the Sun. Plants struggled to survive and the drop in temperature caused a global winter
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When do some UK scientists think the dinosaurs became extinct and why?
137 million years ago after melting sea ice caused a 9 degrees C temperature drop, after finding an unexpected change in fossils and minerals in Norway
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What is thought to happen just after a mass extinction?
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What stages must a population go through before a new species is evolved?
1. Become isolated from others 2. Each side reproduces 3. Natural selection in different environments
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What is geographical isolation?
When 2 populations become physically isolated by a physical feature e.g. a new mountain range
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What does it mean when a species is endemic to an area?
It is found only in that place
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What is speciation?
When part of a population becomes isolated and adapts to its new, very different environment
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What must be no longer possible for speciation to occur?
Successful breeding with the other species
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are fossils?


Remains of organisms from thousands/millions of years ago

Card 3


What are 4 ways that fossils can be formed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are there no fossils of the first organisms?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why are some fossils formed but never found?


Preview of the front of card 5
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