B2 4.3: Anaerobic respiration.

information was taken directly from the AQA revision guide with only the key points from B2 4.3.

  • Created by: JSpencer
  • Created on: 28-02-16 16:39
What happens if you use muscles for a long period of time?
They get tired (fatigued) and stop contracting as efficiently.
1 of 11
What happens when your muscles cannot get enough oxygen from aerobic respiration?
They start to repire anaerobically.
2 of 11
What happens to glucose in anerobic respiration?
It is not completely broken down and latic acid is produced.
3 of 11
Why is anaerobic respiration not as good?
As less energy is released from glucose.
4 of 11
What is one cause of muscle fatigue?
A build up of latic acid.
5 of 11
What removes latic acid?
Blood flowing through muscles.
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What is produced during anaerobic repiration?
Carbon dioxide, water and latic acid.
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What happens when exercise is finished?
Latic acid must be broken down completly.
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How is latic acid broken down?
By oxygen.
9 of 11
What is the extra oxygen needed called?
Oxygen debt.
10 of 11
What does the oxygen do?
It oxidises the latic acid and breaks it down into carbon dioxide and water.
11 of 11

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Card 2


What happens when your muscles cannot get enough oxygen from aerobic respiration?


They start to repire anaerobically.

Card 3


What happens to glucose in anerobic respiration?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is anaerobic respiration not as good?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is one cause of muscle fatigue?


Preview of the front of card 5
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