B1b - Quiz

What are Carbohydrates made up of?
Simple Sugars such as glucose.
1 of 7
Fats are made up of ... and stored ...
Fatty acids, glycerol and under the skin/around organs as adipoes tissue.
2 of 7
Where are proteins stored?
They arent stored.
3 of 7
What five factors affect a balanced diet?
Age, gender, activity, religion and personal choice.
4 of 7
Why is Kwashiokor common in developing countries?
Overpopulation and limited investement in agriculture.
5 of 7
What does EAR stand for?
Estimated Average Daily Requirement.
6 of 7
What is the difference between First and Second Class Proteins?
First Class are proteins of animal origin and second class are plant proteins.
7 of 7

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Card 2


Fats are made up of ... and stored ...


Fatty acids, glycerol and under the skin/around organs as adipoes tissue.

Card 3


Where are proteins stored?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What five factors affect a balanced diet?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is Kwashiokor common in developing countries?


Preview of the front of card 5
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