B1 Topic 1 - Variation

  • Created by: Go
  • Created on: 05-03-14 21:11
What does classification mean?
Grouping things by their features or characteristics.
1 of 23
What are the five kingdoms?
Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Prokaryotae and Protoctista
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What are the five classes?
Amphibians, Mammals, Reptiles, Birds and Fish
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What kingdom is this describing...Multicellular, no cell walls or chloyophyll, heterotrophic feeders.
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What kingdom is this describing...Multicellular, have cell walls and chlorphyll, autotrophic feeders.
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What kingdom is this describing...Multicellular, have cell walls, no chlorophyll, saphrotrophic feeders.
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What kingdom is this describing...unicellular and nucleus in cell.
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What kingdom is this describing...unicellular and no nucleus in cell.
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What are the different ways you can absorb oxygen?
Lungs, gills and skin
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What are the two ways you can fertilise?
Internally or externally.
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What are the to ways you can reproduce
Oviparous or vivaporous
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How do you regulate internal body temperature?
Homeothermally and Poikilothermally.
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What does natural selection mean?
Survial of the fittest
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Define: Evolution
A slow gradual change of organisms from one generation the the next.
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What does a necleus contain?
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How many chromosomes does a nucleus contain?
23 pairs
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Define: Gene
A short section of DNA - a gene codes for a characteristic, e.g. eye colour.
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Define: Alleles
Different versions of the same gene.
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What does a cell contain?
A nucleus
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Define: Speciation
Where evolution can lead to new species
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What are the three steps to speciation?
Isolation --> Adaptation --> New Species
21 of 23
What is gamete?
Sperm or egg cell
22 of 23
What is a symptom of cystic fibrosis?
Breathing difficulties
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the five kingdoms?


Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Prokaryotae and Protoctista

Card 3


What are the five classes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What kingdom is this describing...Multicellular, no cell walls or chloyophyll, heterotrophic feeders.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What kingdom is this describing...Multicellular, have cell walls and chlorphyll, autotrophic feeders.


Preview of the front of card 5
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