B ; mass protest ; indiv. imp. ; william cobbett

what was his main cotrib?
political register
1 of 26
when did he move to the us?
2 of 26
and gained rep as?
skilled journalist
3 of 26
wrote many pamphlets against?
french wars
4 of 26
when did he return to england?
5 of 26
why did he turn down government offers to be journalist?
prefered to mntn independence
6 of 26
what did he establish instead?
cobbett's political register
7 of 26
what was the circulation by 1805?
8 of 26
from when did it become increasingly radical?
9 of 26
when did he stand for parliament and not get elected?
10 of 26
what did this experience highlight for him?
the corruption of the british electoral system
11 of 26
so he began to promote?
parliamentary reform
12 of 26
what did some ely soldiers do in 1809?
mutinied bc hadn't been paid
13 of 26
what happened to them?
court martialled and 5 ringleaders sentenced to 500 lashes each
14 of 26
what was cobbet's response?
numerous articles denouncing cruelty
15 of 26
in 1810 what was cobbett tried for bc of these?
seditious libel against the army
16 of 26
and what happened?
sentenced to two years in prison
17 of 26
what happened when he got out in 1812?
took up journalism again + pol reg contd
18 of 26
when did he reach wider audience?
19 of 26
how much did the political register cost standardly inc paper tax?
20 of 26
what did this mean for working class?
had to pool money to buy a copy
21 of 26
then he decided to issue a single sheet for how much?
22 of 26
what did issuing one sheet mean?
wouldn't have to conform to newspaper tax
23 of 26
what was this one sheet publication called?
to the journeymen and labourers of england, wales, scotland and ireland
24 of 26
how many copies printed and circulated by end 1817?
25 of 26
what did his opponents label it that he used against them?
two-penny trash
26 of 26

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Card 2


when did he move to the us?



Card 3


and gained rep as?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


wrote many pamphlets against?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


when did he return to england?


Preview of the front of card 5
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