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6. Which is Correct? - Digestion - Sphincters

  • Sympathetic - relax; Parasympathetic - no change
  • Sympathetic - relax; Parasympathetic - contract
  • Sympathetic - contract; Parasympathetic - relax
  • Sympathetic - no change; Parasympathetic - relax

7. Which is Correct? - Eye - cilliary muscles

  • Sympathetic - contract - fatter - distant; Parasympathetic - relax - thinner - near
  • Sympathetic - relax - thinner - distant; Parasympathetic - contract - fatter - near
  • Sympathetic - relax - fatter - near; Parasympathetic - contract - thiner - distant
  • Sympathetic - relax - thinner - near; Parasympathetic - contract - fatter - distant

8. Which is Correct? - Eye - pupil (only Symp is given; assume Para is the inverse)

  • Sympathetic - radial contract, circular relax, dilates
  • Sympathetic - radial contract, circular relax, constricts
  • Sympathetic - radial contract, circular contract, dilates
  • Sympathetic - radial contract, circular contract, constricts

9. Which is Correct? - Heart

  • Sympathetic - increased rate and force; Parasympathetic - decrease force and rate
  • Sympathetic - decreased rate and force; Parasympathetic - increase force and rate