
when did the first fleet sail into botany bay
18th jan 1788
1 of 68
why did they set sail again on the 26th jan
lack of water and fertile soil
2 of 68
who was in charge
governor phillip
3 of 68
why was botany bay picked
suggestion from botanist banks
4 of 68
what was the cost of fitting the fleet
5 of 68
how many boarded the first fleet in portsmouth
6 of 68
how many convicts landed
732 convicts
7 of 68
how long did london envisiged it would be till the colony would be self-sufficient
4 years
8 of 68
what did london think the venture would cost
9 of 68
what was the death rate on the 1st fleet
3% of all those on board
10 of 68
when did phillip decide to send 183 convicts to norfolk island
11 of 68
when was norfolk island largely abandond by
12 of 68
what did norfolk island have that was completely gone by 1830
mutton bird
13 of 68
from when were rations shared equally
1st april 1790
14 of 68
where did phillip decide to settle the colony
15 of 68
who recieved the first land in grant in rose hill
james ruse in 1971
16 of 68
what ship got wrecked on its way to canton
flagship sirius
17 of 68
when did the second ship arrive
3rd june 1790
18 of 68
how many female convicts were on board the lady juliana
19 of 68
what percentage died during transportation of the second fleet
20 of 68
why were conditions so bad on the second fleet
didn't entrust to an officer, instead choose to contract journey out with private firm
21 of 68
where did the atlantic of the third fleet go
calcutta to buy rice
22 of 68
when did phillip retire
23 of 68
when did the first ship of irish prisoners reach the colony
24 of 68
who did the irish attempt to rebel against in 1804
governor King
25 of 68
when was the first shipment on sterliing silver coins
26 of 68
when were the marines replaced by the NSW corps
27 of 68
when were the NSW corps replaced and why
1809 when they mutinied against governor Bligh
28 of 68
what was the currency in the colony until silver money
29 of 68
who did macquarie side with
emancipists and the exclusives
30 of 68
what was the new regiment that replaced the corps
73rd regiment
31 of 68
who was george crossley
emancipist and lawyer
32 of 68
who delievered macquaries baby
william redfern
33 of 68
where were reoffenders sent to
van diemen's land
34 of 68
when were the penal colonies in port macquarie and norfolk island established
1822 and 1824
35 of 68
how males were there for every female in NSW
1 to 6
36 of 68
who was the colony's first architect
francis greenway
37 of 68
what was the original thinking about the aborignies
that they could serve as a workforce
38 of 68
when was the first select committee report into the transportation of convicts
39 of 68
when did macquarie found 5 towns in the hawkesbury region
40 of 68
who did this expansion affect
the darug band of aborignes
41 of 68
when did macquarie authorise a punitive party against the aborginal people and how many were killed
1816, killing 14 people
42 of 68
how many abrignals were there when settlers arrived
at least 300,000 possible as many as 1 million
43 of 68
how many did phillip think there were in the are he explored
44 of 68
what did captian cook claim the land as
terra nullis
45 of 68
when were two convicts murdered by aboriginals
30th may 1788
46 of 68
when were the aboriginals struck down by small pox
47 of 68
what did governor arthur declare 1828
martial law
48 of 68
when were merino sheep introduced to VDL
49 of 68
what early governors issued instructions to settlers to not persecute aboriginals
collins, davey and sorrell
50 of 68
when did the last tasmanian aboriginal die
51 of 68
when did the first organised attempt to develop a free settlment take place
52 of 68
up until when did VDL act semi-independently
53 of 68
who was governor of VDL 1823-27
54 of 68
when did whaling begin
55 of 68
who broke the EIC's monopoly on the whale trade
robert campbell
56 of 68
how did he break the monopoly
sailed direct to england on the lady barlow with 260 tons of oil
57 of 68
when did the colony grow enough grain to feed itself
58 of 68
when was the first bale of wool sold
1821 at garraways coffee house
59 of 68
what were wool exports valued at by 1830
60 of 68
when did the crossing of the blue mountain take place
61 of 68
what was established in 1824
the australian agricultural company
62 of 68
when was the swan river company established
63 of 68
when did western australias first settlers arrive
64 of 68
what did captain freemantle lay claim to 29th may 1829
all of australia
65 of 68
what did the bigge commission conclude
macquarie had taken the colony in the wrong direction
66 of 68
when was the new south wales act passed
67 of 68
what did it establish
legislative council, independent justice system, VDL seperate colony
68 of 68

Other cards in this set

Card 2


why did they set sail again on the 26th jan


lack of water and fertile soil

Card 3


who was in charge


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why was botany bay picked


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was the cost of fitting the fleet


Preview of the front of card 5
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