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Card 16


this is where the audience accepts the dominant reading of the text and interprets the text in the way that the producer of the text intended. This is usually the case if the text reflects the ideas and beliefs of the audience. For example, the reade


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Card 17


This group are defined by their self-esteem and self-fulfilment. They tend to be innovative and are less impressed by status. They are not materialistic and are socially aware. They may be more inclined to buy brands that are environmentally friendly


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Card 18


Enigma codes - anything that sets up a question in the narrative (leads us to question what is going on), this could be a character / prop / location / storyline for example.


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Card 19


These are people who already have status and control and have nothing to prove. They prefer brands that are serious and reliable and believe that they deserver the best.


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Card 20


suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure where they begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibrium is restored.


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Card 21


An individual observes an ideology and then discusses it with their social group creating different opinions on the matter.


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Card 22


is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs.


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Card 23


was essentially interested in the narrative of folk tales. They were about the same basic struggles and they appeared to have ‘stock characters’. He identified a theory about characters and actions as narrative functions; they provide a structure for


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Card 24


is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs.


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Card 25


was essentially interested in the narrative of folk tales. They were about the same basic struggles and they appeared to have ‘stock characters’. He identified a theory about characters and actions as narrative functions; they provide a structure for


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