Attraction: Self Disclosure

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 05-12-22 10:31
what is self disclosure and who came up with the definition?
Jourard, based on the idea that rs formation is built on trust with another person, demonstrated by gradually revealing personal information ie thoughts feelings and experiences that they dont share with anyone else. disclosing allows to reveal-
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-'true-selves' leading to greater intimacy in romantic rs + more satisfaction
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what is the concept of social penetration theory and who is it proposed by?
Altman and Taylor claims that by gradual;y revealing emotions and experiences to a partner, followed by listening and reciprocating self disclosure, ppl gain a higher understanding of each other + develop deeper trust in romantic rs
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what are the 2 dimensions in a rs from self disclosure?
uses an onion metaphor to describe;
.Breadth- ppl share lots of info about certain aspects
.Depth- some info considered off limits
as trust is built, depth of info increases
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which psychologists suggest reciprocity?
Resis and Shaver- suggest for a rs to develop, it must have a balance of self disclosure between partners, it cant just be 1 partner disclosing and another listening and. r leads to intimacy and deeper understanding.
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what is the research into examining self disclosure? and who researcher this?
A- to investigate role of reciprocal self disclosure in rs
M-156 uni students from America placed in F-F or M-F dyads, unacquainted pp asked to engage in a-
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-skype convo in 2 conditions, 1.dyads asked to self disclose in a reciprocal manner, 2. self disclosure not reciprocal , then assessed the dyads for liking of the other partner, how close they felt
R- 1st condition, high liking, closeness, enjoyment-
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-of interaction,
C- reciprocity of self disclosure form of turn taking has a positive outcomes of attractive rs then one sided self disclosure
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name the evaluations
-R.S for self disclosure, Hass and Statfford, gay men and women discover how they sustained and developed rs w peers, 57% of gay m+f were open + honest self disclosing as the most important to have a close rs (+RWA in rs counselling)
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+Boom+Bust phenomenon in online rs, Cooper and Sportolari found opportunity of online interactions gave web users sense of security and made disclosure about personal info earlier in the rs, making rs exiting and boom, but due to the-
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-trust foundation not being established, intensity of the rs made it impossible to sustain the rs, leading to a breakup/bust, showing self-disclosure needs to be built gradually in a rs for it to succeed
+r.s Laurenceau et al asked pp to write a daily ent
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-of rs, found self-disclosure and perception pf disclosure in partner led to increases feelings of intimacy, also true for reversed rs they lacked self disclosure
-culturally biased, tang et al found f-m in USA
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disclosed more sexual thoughts to partners than ppl in china but the level of rs satisfaction was high in both cultures (individualistic vs collectivists)
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Card 2


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-'true-selves' leading to greater intimacy in romantic rs + more satisfaction

Card 3


what is the concept of social penetration theory and who is it proposed by?


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Card 4


what are the 2 dimensions in a rs from self disclosure?


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Card 5


which psychologists suggest reciprocity?


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