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6. Why were researchers critical of Bowlby's long term separtion study?

  • All mentioned
  • Retrospective data as interviews may be inaccurate account of the juveniles past
  • It was only a correlation not causation
  • Subjective as Bowlby diagnosised the juveniles

7. What was the aim of Schaffer & Emerson's study?

  • All mentioned
  • Investigating the age of attachment
  • Investigating which parent they attach mostly to
  • Investigating how many attachments can occur

8. What did Bowlby conclude from his study of long term separation effects on attachment?

  • Monotropy does not affect attachment
  • Not having a mother can lead to criminal behaviour
  • Maternal deprivation can lead to harmful long term consequences
  • The experimental group were affectionless psychopaths

9. What did Hazan & Shaver conclude from their findings?

  • Anxious-Resistant attachment led to the poorest relationship
  • Secure attachment led to a successful relationship
  • They supported Bowlby's Internal Working Model, by arguing attachment has a life long affect
  • Anxious-Avoidant attachment led to a difficult relationship

10. What did Rutter conclude from his findings?

  • All mentioned
  • It is possible for attachment to occur after critical period
  • Critical period should be called sensitive period
  • Attachment is possible in any loving and secure environment

11. What was the aim of Rutter's study of attachment?

  • If critical period is the only time attachment can be formed
  • If attachment can only occur once
  • If the critical period affects attachment
  • All mentioned

12. What is attachment?

  • When individuals become synchronised
  • A development of a strong emotional bond with a reciprocal relationship
  • An emotional connection between two people
  • When two people love each other

13. What did Ijzendoorn & Kroonberg conclude from their cultural variation evaluation study of Ainsworth strange situation?

  • Secure attachment was the dominant attachment type across all countires
  • Only the US had the secure attachment type as the most dominant attachment
  • Germany's dominant attachment type was insecure-avoidant
  • Japan's dominant attachment type was insecure-resistant

14. What does "Monotropy" mean in Bowlby's evolutionary theory of attachment?

  • A special attachment with mother and father
  • A special attachment with mother
  • A special attachment with father
  • A special attachment with family

15. What is the learning theory of attachment?

  • Operunt Conditioning Only
  • Classical & Operunt Conditioning
  • Classical Conditioning Only
  • Attachment through food

16. What did Ainsworth find out from her study on attachment types?

  • All mentioned
  • 22% had insecure-avoidant attachment
  • 66% had secure attachment
  • 12% had insecure-resistant attachment

17. What was the aim of Harlow's study of attachment?

  • If monkeys get affected by privation
  • If privation affects attachment & relationship
  • If monkeys have attachment
  • If attachment affects relationships

18. What did Schaffer & Emerson argue that led to an attachment between a child and their parent?

  • Sensitive Responsiveness
  • Cupboard Love
  • Attachment is innate
  • Contact Comfort

19. Which is the correct findings in Schaffer & Emerson's study?

  • 65% attachment with father
  • 65% attachment with mother only
  • 3% attachment with mother and father
  • 30% attachment with mother

20. What did Harlow argue that led to an attachment between a child and their parent?

  • Contact Comfort
  • Sentive Responsivness
  • Cupboard Love
  • All mentioned