
  • Created by: valentina
  • Created on: 02-12-12 00:50
what is 'attachment' ?
a strong emotional tie that develops over time between an infant and their primary caregiver, forming a close reciprocal bond of affection usually with their mother
1 of 6
what does Macoby (1980) suggest that attachment is shown through specific behaviors with primary caregiver ?
seeking proximity, distress on separation ,pleasure when re-united ,general orientation towards PCG
2 of 6
Explain 'Classical conditioning' ?
infant learns to associate mother with food (pleasure). A conditioned stimulus (person who feeds them) leads to conditioned response (pleasure) after learning this it becomes a conditioned response (automatic reflex response). (pavlous dogs)
3 of 6
Explain 'Operant conditioning' ?
Dollard & Miller1950,proposed that a hungry infant becomes uncomfortable, creating a drive to reduce this discomfort. when fed, drive reduced & food becomes primary reinforcement. person providing food linked with avoiding discomfort & becomes 2nd Re
4 of 6
identify 1 or more criticism of learning theories ?
learning theories have been criticized for being reductionist, in that they reduce behaviour to simple strings of stimuli and responses, also overemphasizing environmental determinism.
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how does Harlow and Harlow 1962 'cupboard love' challenge learning theory ?
the study suggests that strong & healthy attachments are the result of good social & emotional care. Also food not main reason for attachment, even comfort was no substitute for normal contact with real mother.
6 of 6

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Card 2


what does Macoby (1980) suggest that attachment is shown through specific behaviors with primary caregiver ?


seeking proximity, distress on separation ,pleasure when re-united ,general orientation towards PCG

Card 3


Explain 'Classical conditioning' ?


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Card 4


Explain 'Operant conditioning' ?


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Card 5


identify 1 or more criticism of learning theories ?


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