
Operant Conditioning
This is learning via reinforcement for example: rewards or punishments (positive or negative)
1 of 9
Classical Conditioning
This is learning via association.
2 of 9
Cupboard Love Theory
Attachment to those who feed us.
3 of 9
To have something taken away (food or warmth). Had an attachment and lost it.
4 of 9
This is the failure to form an attachment.
5 of 9
Institutional Care
Psychologists can study the effects of privation on attachment by observing infants who have become institutionalised.
6 of 9
Social Development
How your social behaviour changes as you age and mature e.g. freindships, relationships, ability to negotiate with peers.
7 of 9
Positive Social Behaviours
Those which help us to socialise e.g. freidnly, approachable, ability to share, awareness of own actions.
8 of 9
Negative Social Behaviours
The opposite e.g. being unfriendly, uncooperative, aggressive.
9 of 9

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Card 2


This is learning via association.


Classical Conditioning

Card 3


Attachment to those who feed us.


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Card 4


To have something taken away (food or warmth). Had an attachment and lost it.


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Card 5


This is the failure to form an attachment.


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