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6. characteristics of insecure resistant attachments

  • don't require comfort
  • resist comfort
  • require and accept comfort

7. What is another name for type A attachments?

  • insecure avoidant
  • secure
  • insecure resistant

8. characteristics of secure attachments

  • seek greater proximity
  • explore happily but seek proximity
  • explore freely and don't seek proximity

9. What is another name for type B attachments?

  • insecure resistant
  • secure
  • insecure avoidant

10. characteristics of secure attachments

  • require and accept comfort
  • don't require comfort
  • resist comfort

11. characteristics of insecure resistant attachments

  • moderate separation and stranger anxiety
  • high levels of stranger and separation anxiety
  • little/no separation or stranger anxiety

12. characteristics of insecure resistant attachments

  • explore happily but seek proximity
  • seek greater proximity
  • explore freely and don't seek proximity