Attachment multiple choice quiz

During interaction, the mother's and infant's signals
1 of 12
Shaffer and Emerson assessed what in the infants?
seperation and stranger anxiety
2 of 12
at what age do children usually stay to form a specific attachment?
7 months
3 of 12
what is the phenomenon in which early contact influences mate preference called?
sexual imprinting
4 of 12
in which condition were Harlow's monkeys most damaged by early experience?
wire mother from birth
5 of 12
a parents learning to comfort a crying baby in order to stop it crying is an example of:
negative reinforcement
6 of 12
according to Bowlby, the critical period in humans lasts for approximately how long?
two and half years
7 of 12
the strange situation can be best described as what kind of study?
controlled observation
8 of 12
how is separation anxiety assessed in the strange situation?
being left alone in the playroom
9 of 12
The critical period in which prolonged separation can lead to deprivation is within the first:
30 months
10 of 12
At 4 years, Rutter found that there was:
a negative correlation in orphans between age of adoption and intellectual development
11 of 12
which attachment type is most likely to be associated with bullying?
insecure avoidant
12 of 12

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Card 2


Shaffer and Emerson assessed what in the infants?


seperation and stranger anxiety

Card 3


at what age do children usually stay to form a specific attachment?


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Card 4


what is the phenomenon in which early contact influences mate preference called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


in which condition were Harlow's monkeys most damaged by early experience?


Preview of the front of card 5
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