
What is Reciprocity ?
A description of how two people interact. Mother-Infant interaction is reciprocal in that both infant and mother respond to each other's signals and each elicits a response from the other.
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What is interactional Synchony?
Mother and infant both reflect the actions and emotions of the other and do this in a coordinated way.
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What is an Attachment?
A close two-way emotional bond between two individuals.
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What is the Role of the Father as a attachment Figure?
They have a role to do with play and stimulation and less to do with nurture.
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What was Schaffer and Emerson (Key Study) experiment?
60 babies from Glasgow, the majority were from working class backgrounds. Were tested for seperation anxiety and stranger anxiety. Results led to the Stages of Attachment.
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What are some Evaluation Points for Schaffer and Emerson Study?
Good external validity, Longitudinal study, Limited sample characters
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What are Schaffer and Emerson Stages of Attachment?
The Asocial stage(First few weeks), Indescriminate Attachment (2-7) , Specific Attachment (7), Multiple Attachments
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What are some Evaluation points for Schaffer and Emerson Stages of Attachment?
Difficult to observe the Asocial stage, There's conflicting evidence on multiple attachments, Difficulty measuring multiple attachments.
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What was Lorenz's research into Imprinting?
Found those who saw mother first followed her, those who saw Lorenz first followed him -IMPRINTING. Sexual imprinting where show courtship behaviour towards some species imprinted on.
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What are some Evaluation points for Lorenz's research?
May not be able to generalise to humans, Some observations have been questioned.
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What was Harlow's research ?
Showed comfort contact was more important to monkeys than food, found those who we're maternally deprived left a permanent effect on them, unless form attachment in critical period.
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What are some evaluation points for Harlow's research?
Increased understanding of attachment, Pracrical value, Ethical Issues.
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What does the Learning Theory of Attachment?
UCS-food, NS-caregiver, UCR-pleasure, CS-caregiver, CR-Pleasure. Maintain by reinforcement. Attachment is a Secondary Drive.
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What are some Evaluation points of the Learning Theory of Attachment?
Counter evidence from Animal research, Ignores other factors associated with forming attachment, Social Learning Theory.
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What is Bowlby's Monotropic Theory?
Monotrophy:Law of continuity and Law of accumulated seperation. Social Releases(Cute behaviour). Critical period (2). Internal Working Models.
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What are some Evaluation points for Bowlby's Monotropic Theory?
Mixed evidence for Monotrophy, Support for social releasers, Support for Internal Working Model.
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What happened in Ainsworth Strange Situation?
Judged proximity, Secure base, Stranger anxiety, Seperation anxiety, reunion behaviour. Found, Secure, 60-75%, Avoidant(Don't care) 20-25%, Resistant, 3%.
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What are some Evaluation points for Ainsworth Strange Situation?
High validity, Culture-bound, Disorganised attachment.
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What was Van Uzendoorn (Key Study) in Cultural variation?
Meta analysis of Strange Situation, found greater variation within cultures than between cultures.
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What was some Evaluation points of Van Uzendoorn (Key Study) in Cultural variation?
Large samples, Unrepresentative of cultures, rather than countries, Biased.
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What was Bowlby's Theory of Maternal Deprivation?
Deprivation within the Critical Period, leads to lack of Intellectual development and Emotional development. Proved by Bowlby's 44Theives study.
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What are some Evaluation points for Bowlby's Theory of Maternal Deprivation?
Poor evidence, Counter evidence with 500 thieves study, Sensitive period.
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What are the effects of Institutionalisation?
Disinhibited Attachment (Act the same to strangers and people they know), Mental Retardation. Rutters Romanian Orphans Study proves this.
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What are the Evaluation points of the effects of Institutionalisation?
Real life application in children homes, High internal Validity of Ruuters experiment, Ethical issues, Long term effects aren't clear.
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What are the effects attachment in Later Relationships?
Internal working models, in later childhood:secure best relationship, resistant bullies,avoidant victims. Adulthood:Hazan &Schaffer Love Quiz. Parents same as they had.
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What are the Evaluation points of the effects attachment in Later Relationships?
Lacks validity, May be correlation not a cause, Self report methods.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is interactional Synchony?


Mother and infant both reflect the actions and emotions of the other and do this in a coordinated way.

Card 3


What is an Attachment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Role of the Father as a attachment Figure?


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Card 5


What was Schaffer and Emerson (Key Study) experiment?


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