Other questions in this quiz

2. A strength of the Schaffer and Emerson study is?

  • Has great practical value as the research on the monkeys have allowed social workers for example be able to understand the importance of how bad abuse and neglect is so they can work to prevent this from occurring
  • There is a limited sample characteristics as they were all from Glasgow therefore the information gathered would not be generalisable
  • There is good external validity as the study was carried out by the parents themselves therefore the observers could not have affected how the babies responded
  • Scahffer and Emerson are stronger than you

3. During Lorenz procedure, half of the hatched eggs saw their mother first. Who did the other half see first?

  • Lorenz
  • Their mother in a different environment
  • Halow
  • You
  • No one- they stayed alone in the incubator

4. What is the first stage of Schaffer and Emerson's stages of attachment?

  • Social Stage
  • Asocial Stage
  • Specific Attachment
  • Anti-Social Stage

5. A weakness of Harlow's study that many people have criticised is..

  • There is a problem studying the asocial stage as babies cannot move or are not very co-ordinated so it is hard to observe their actions during this stage as they are so young
  • The monkeys that were used in his study were fake and he made humans dress up as monkeys therefore the results are invalid
  • The ethical problems- the monkeys were severely distressed which affected them negatively later in life and how they acted with their own children. Some of them even went to the lengths of eating their own offspring
  • Some observations have been questioned. Guiton et al found that the chickens did imprint on the yellow rubber glove but them imprinting then 'wore' off/became extinct when they were older as they realised that they preferred other chickens


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