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6. what is bowlbys maternal deprivation hypothesis

  • fathers have a playmate role
  • if primary attachment bond is never formed or broken the effects will be permanent and irreversible
  • infants should have one main caregiver and that is the mother
  • childhood attachment will form a schema for future attachments

7. what percent of Japanese one year olds were insecure resitant in the takahashi study

  • 29%
  • 45%
  • 32%
  • 38%

8. how does classical conditioning link to attachment

  • it doesn't
  • baby associates mother with food
  • babies become scared of one parent
  • baby is rewarded for crying

9. what critical period did Lorenz find in geese

  • 32 days
  • 12-17 hours
  • 5 years
  • 2.5 years

10. What is reciprocity

  • when there is only one primary caregiver
  • the process by which behaviour is matched or mirrored during an interaction
  • how a parents speech and their infants behaviour become finely synchronised so they are in direct response to each other

11. who did the frozen face study

  • bowlby
  • hazan and shaver
  • murray and travarthan
  • metzloff and moore

12. how many of the thieves were affection less psychopaths

  • 14
  • 12
  • 17
  • 21

13. how many people did Hazan and shaver give the love quiz to

  • 340
  • 165
  • 620
  • 780

14. Bowlbys sensitive period was 2.5 years

  • False
  • True

15. which animal study supports shaffer's stages

  • johnson
  • lorenz
  • harlow
  • morgan

16. at what age is a child in the indiscriminate attachment stage

  • 7-12months
  • 6 weeks-6months
  • 0-6 weeks
  • 1-3 years

17. what is interactional synchrony

  • when interaction flows both ways
  • how a parents speech and their infants behaviour become finely synchronised so they are in direct response to each other
  • Smiling back when someone smiles at us

18. how many studies were included in van izjendoorns meta analysis

  • 32
  • 48
  • 2,000
  • 8

19. who found that bullying behaviour can be predicted by attachment type

  • Hazan and shaver
  • Goldstein et al
  • Myron- Wilson and smith
  • belsky et al

20. which attachment type refuses comfort after being separated from mother in strange situation

  • secure
  • insecure-resistant
  • insecure avoidant
  • asocial