Atonement part one key quotes - chapter seven

Half obscured by the elms
and oaks that had grown up around - the temple
1 of 6
The temple was supposed to embody
references to the original Adam house - none of the Tallis' know what they are
2 of 6
Would be representing her country
next year at the Berlin Olympics - Briony, Berlin is sigificant of war
3 of 6
Come back, her sister used to whisper
when she woke from a bad dream - Cecilia is dreaming about Robbie
4 of 6
her field of
nettle slashing
5 of 6
She would simply wait on the bridge, calmly and onstinate until
events, real events, not her own fantisies, rose to her challange and dispelled her inisgnificance - Briony
6 of 6

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Card 2


The temple was supposed to embody


references to the original Adam house - none of the Tallis' know what they are

Card 3


Would be representing her country


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Card 4


Come back, her sister used to whisper


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Card 5


her field of


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