AS Science in society key terms

Science in society AS definitions of key terms

  • Created by: Chantelle
  • Created on: 27-03-11 18:45
A microbe which can cause disease
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The immune system
The system of orgnas and celss that help to defend the body against infection and fight disease
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What are toxins?
poisons prodcued by living cells or organisms
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What is an incest vector
an insect speies which transmits disease.
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What are antibodies
bind to a specific bacterium or virus so that it can be destroyed by other cells of the immune system
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What are medicenes
consist of one or more drugs, mixed with other inhert materials, and in a combined way which makes the treatment available
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What is an antibiotic?
a chemical produced by a microbe that kills or limits the growth of another microbe
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are minute living beings which are only visible with the help of a microscope
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What are stem cells
cells that are not specialised
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Reprodictive cloning
uses nuclear transfer to create an embryo which is then implanted in the womb of an animal
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What are genetic tests
They look for mutated genes known to cause a particular disease
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What is fuel
a material for burning
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What is a cohort study
a study which invloves patients who are receiving a particular treatment are followed over time and compared with another group who are not treated
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the time taken for the rate of emissions from a sample of the isotope to fall by half
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What is a biobank
a database of genetic, clinical, environmental and lifestyle information on indivuals, togther with corresponding clinical specimens
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What are fossil fuels
fossilised remains of prehistoric rainforests or tiny marine animals, formed over millions of years
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Intrinsic brightness
A measure of how bright a star really is
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What is apparent brightness
How bright a star looks to us
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IVF stands for:
In vitro fertilisation
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What are Alleles
Different forms of a gene
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What is a case control-study
studies in which patients who already have a certain condition are compared with people who do not.
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What is a randomised controlled study?
Involves two groups: one receives the treatment being tested while the control group receives no treatment or some standard treatment
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A signiture of life is
evidence that life has existed in the place that is being studied
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PGD stands for
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
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Ionising radiation
radiation with enough eneregy to break up molecules and turn them into electrically charged ions
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What is a patent
a licence granted to an inventor, which gives the inventor the legal right to stop anyone else from making, using or selling the invention
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Renewable energy
A source which is being (or can be) replaced as it it used
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A population is..
A group of organisms belonging to the same species
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An ecosystem is..
an interacting unit consisting of all the living organisms in a particular environment togther with non-living components such as water
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What is a double-blind study
One in which neither the patient nor the doctor knows whether the patient is receiving the new medicine or the control treatmen
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What is a geocentric model?
Aristotle's model in which the earth is at the centre
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What are variable stars
Most stars are constant in brightness. But some vary in brightness, this is known as variable stars
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What is a Cepheid variable
A group of stars which rise and falls in brightness in a steady regular pattern
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Cosmology is..
the scientific study of the formation and evolution of the universe
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Alternative medicine
Describes the treatments that differ from orthodox, drug based medicine.
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Complementary medicine
includeds alternative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches which are used alongside conventional medicine.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The immune system


The system of orgnas and celss that help to defend the body against infection and fight disease

Card 3


What are toxins?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an incest vector


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are antibodies


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




Well done Chantelle..I will use this quiz with my students



Good quiz but it could really have done with a spell check!

Catherine Lothian


The spelling is horrendous - I found it hard to do because of it!

Natalie Jones


I agree with Catherine, the spelling was awful and some of the answers were a little ridiculous!

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