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6. What is the maximum duration of STM

  • 30 Seconds
  • 15 Seconds
  • 60 Seconds
  • 27 Seconds

7. How can you test a child's attachment type?

  • Strange Situation
  • Ainsworth's Situation
  • Interesting Situation
  • Attachment Situation

8. What is 'Opportunity Sampling'?

  • Whoever is willing and available to take part in the study
  • Attending an interview to be part of the sample
  • People who actively volunteer to be part of the research
  • Every member of the target group has an equal chance of being selected for the sample

9. What is meant by the term 'Attachment'

  • A bond between a group of people, who share the same interests
  • An emotional bond between two people, in which one greatly relies on the other
  • An emotional relationship between two people, in which they seek comfort from each other.
  • A physical bond between two people

10. Which of the following explains why psychologists do pilot studies?

  • To test the aspects of the research and to adjust the experiment if needed
  • To check the experiment is worth doing
  • To check the difficulty of the task
  • To test whether the experiment has been done before