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6. How many times did the utterance had to be verified (behaviour verification)?

  • 9/10
  • 8/10
  • 10/10

7. How were Kanzi and Mulika formally tested on all the words in their vocabulary?

  • Both of the above
  • Listening to a word then being asked to point out the correct symbol on the lexigram
  • Shown photos then asked to pick the right symbol on the lexigram

8. How many words did Kanzi and Mulika accquire?

  • Kanzi - 46, Mulika - 37
  • Kanzi - 50, Mulika - 20
  • Kanzi - 38, Mulika - 42

9. How many of the chimps utterances were spontaneous or imitations?

  • 80% Spontaneous, 15% Imitation
  • 90% Spontaneous, 10% Imitation
  • 70% Imitation, 20% Spontaneous