as law

as law

  • Created by: susie
  • Created on: 18-01-12 13:34
What does not Give the police the right to search you
The rave act 2010
1 of 9
Taylor V Tems Valley police tells us what
the officer making the arrest must use simple language
2 of 9
What is Not an intermate sample
Finger prints
3 of 9
you can be detained for upto 96 hours with the permission of whom
the magistrates
4 of 9
What statement is not true about Pre-Trial
If the defendent pleads guilty the crown court automatically take juristiction regardless of the crime.
5 of 9
What is not on the selection Criteria for Juries
Lived in uk, channel islands, or isle of man since your 10th birthday
6 of 9
What is mediation
Where a neutral mediator helps the parties to reach a compremise and bring their dispute to an end
7 of 9
What is fast track
used for disputes worth £5,000-£15-000
8 of 9
The bail act states What
That there is a presumtion of bail
9 of 9

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Card 2


Taylor V Tems Valley police tells us what


the officer making the arrest must use simple language

Card 3


What is Not an intermate sample


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Card 4


you can be detained for upto 96 hours with the permission of whom


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Card 5


What statement is not true about Pre-Trial


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