AS Sociology

Functionalist Perspective on Education
Durkheim (1903)- Social Solidarity, Specialist Skills; Parsons (1961) - Meritocracy; Davis and Moore (1945) - Role Allocation
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What is social solidarity?
The individual members of society must feel themselves to be a part of a community. Social solidarity is necessary for social life and cooperation.
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Specialist skills
Modern economies have a complex division of labor and the production of even one single item requires the cooperation of many different specialists.
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What is meritocracy?
School and wider society judge us all by universalistic standards, in society the same laws apply to everyone. A person's status is largely achieved not ascribed; based on one's ability and own efforts.
4 of 5
What is role allocation?
Education sifts and sorts people into appropriate roles suited to their own efforst and ability.
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Card 2


What is social solidarity?


The individual members of society must feel themselves to be a part of a community. Social solidarity is necessary for social life and cooperation.

Card 3


Specialist skills


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meritocracy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is role allocation?


Preview of the front of card 5


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