AS Biology: Classification

  • Created by: wahub ali
  • Created on: 12-03-17 18:49
What does the D stand for? and how many are there? what are they?
DOMAIN - There are 3 domains - bacteria, archaea and eukaryotae
1 of 8
What does the K stand for? How many are there? what are they?
KINGDOM - there are 5 kingdoms - Prokaryotae, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia and Protoctista
2 of 8
what does the P stand for? what is it?
Phylum - groups of organisms based on their body parts ie vertibrates and invertibrates
3 of 8
What does the C stand for? what is it?
Class - General traits
4 of 8
What does the O stand for? what is it?
Order - Which is a subdivision of a class
5 of 8
What does the F stand for? what is it?
Family - groups of closely related genes
6 of 8
What does the G stand for? what is it?
Genus - Which is when organisms within the same genus are very closely related
7 of 8
What does the S stand for? what is it?
Species - The basic unit of classification
8 of 8

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Card 2


What does the K stand for? How many are there? what are they?


KINGDOM - there are 5 kingdoms - Prokaryotae, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia and Protoctista

Card 3


what does the P stand for? what is it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the C stand for? what is it?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the O stand for? what is it?


Preview of the front of card 5
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