Arousal And Anxiety

  • Created by: qaaimxz
  • Created on: 29-12-16 18:39
Define Arousal
Arousal is a psychological state and it increases when the environment makes demands on us to do something.
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Define Anxiety
Anxiety is a negative state of apprehension that we experience when we perceive a situation as threatening to us.
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What is state anxiety?
Refers to a persons level of anxiety experienced in a specific situation
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What is somatic state anxiety?
Persons psychological state at the time of experiencing negative effects on their performance. Such as feeling dizzy.
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What is cognitive state anxiety?
Refers to the persons negative thoughts and cognitive processes that are impeding their performance. Such as a lack in confidence.
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What is trait anxiety?
General personality or disposition to be anxious.
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Briefly outline the inverted U hypothesis.
Suggests that as arousal increases so does performance. However after a certain point of arousal, the performance declines. This makes the shape of the graph look like an upside down U. Hence the name Inverted U hypothesis.
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Who was the inverted U hypothesis tested on? And what are difficulties of the hypothesis?
It was tested on Mice and difficulties are that the hypothesis does not account for individual differences or the fact that different tasks require different skills to achieve optimal performance, hence a reductionist point of view.
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What were the amendments brought up by Oxendine?
1) High arousal is needed for optimal performance in gross motor tasks strength endurance and speed. 2) High arousal interferes with performance in complex skills, fine muscle movements, coordination and concentration.
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What are the difficulties of Oxendine's amendments?
It was not tested, just based on anecdotal evidence. This makes it hard to generalise. Also it is not clearly defined as what complex and simple mean nor what constitutes of high, normal and above average.
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What does **** measure and what does it consist of?
Made by Martens et al. **** measures trait anxiety. It consists of 15 items and the participant has to state whether they best suited "Rarely", "sometimes" or "often".
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What Does CSAI-2 measure and what does it consist of?
Made by Martens et al. CSAI-2 measures state anxiety. Consists of 27 items. 3 groups of 9. 1 measuring cognitive state, 1 measuring self confidence and 1 measuring somatic state.
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In the 2 self reports made by Martens, how is order effect avoided?
In **** there are disractor questions and CSAI-2 is done in a specific order of 1 from each group as triplets.
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4 ways to increase arousal.
1) Pep talks. 2) Energising imagery. 3) Energising self-talks. 4) Rituals.
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How do breathing techniques manage arousal?
- Breathing techniques. Increase in respiration rate is a symptom of heightened physiological arousal. So controlling breathing can be used to reduce arousal and anxiety. This can be said to have 3 advantages: 1) Focussing on breathing means the athl
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Anxiety


Anxiety is a negative state of apprehension that we experience when we perceive a situation as threatening to us.

Card 3


What is state anxiety?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is somatic state anxiety?


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Card 5


What is cognitive state anxiety?


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