Aristophanes and Cleon


1. Why did Cleon attempt to prosecute Aristophanes over one of his plays?

  • The play had disgraced Athens in front of foreign ambassadors
  • The play revealed many of Assembly's secrets to foreign ambassadors
  • The play was a direct and personal attack on Cleon
  • The play was a personal attack on Cleon's wife
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2. Which of Aristophanes' plays was the most direct attack on Cleon?

  • The Knights
  • Peace
  • The Acharnians
  • The Frogs

3. What did Cleon and Aristophanes have in common?

  • They both came from same home town
  • They shared a father
  • They both hated war
  • They both sympathised with the Megarians

4. Who was Cleon?

  • Athens' most skilled naval commander
  • Aristophanes estranged brother
  • A prominent politician
  • A pro-war army general

5. Why are Aristophanes' attacks on Cleon entertaining in his plays?

  • The audience knew Cleon was dying
  • The audience could see Cleon's family in the theatre
  • The audience knew Cleon was sitting in the front seat of the theatre
  • The audience knew Aristophanes would soon be arrested


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