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6. ‘I need a witness! I appeal to the gods!’

  • Chorus of Frogs
  • Dionysus
  • Xanthias
  • Aeschylus

7. ‘It’s the base-metalled, copper-toned foreigners and criminals we rely on for everything, the scum of the earth’

  • Euripides
  • Chorus of Initiates
  • Aeschylus
  • Dionysus

8. 'His smooth tongue unfurls... champing at the indignant bit... picking away at the words he's split till its all puff and nonsense'

  • Chorus of Initiates about Euripides
  • Dionysus about Aeschylus
  • Chorus of Initiates about Aeschylus
  • Aeschylus about Euripides

9. 'After the storm a calm weasel'

  • Dionysus quoting Hegelochus
  • Xanthias quoting Hegelochus
  • Xanthias quoting Euripides
  • Chorus of Frogs