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6. What is KE?

  • Energy stored in an elastic object when work is done on the object
  • Energy of a moving object dues to it's motion
  • A force that changes the motion of an object

7. Momentum/P is ...

  • Conserved whenever objects interact, provided no external forces act on them
  • Speed in a given direction
  • Energy of a moving object due to it's motion

8. Momentum is measured in kgm/s

  • True
  • False

9. How do you work out recoil velocity?

  • Change in Momentum Divided by Time
  • (mass A x velocity A)= -(mass B x velocity B)
  • Mass x Velocity

10. when 2 objects move apart, do they move apart with equal and opposite momentum?

  • Yes
  • No

11. The more time an impact takes the less the force exerted

  • True
  • False

12. Force = Change in Momentum divided by Time

  • True
  • False