Other questions in this quiz

2. What was one criticism of this study ?

  • Stranger distress
  • It was not based on humans
  • It was a lab experiment

3. The learning theory of attachment argues...

  • Babies develop attachment to those they develop first skin to skin contact with
  • Attachments are based on operant and classical conditioning
  • Attachment is an evolved mechanism

4. Who came up with the structural characteristics of a good day care?

  • Thompson
  • Campbell
  • Bowlby
  • Ainsworth

5. What percentage of infants fell into the secure infants category in the Strange Situation.

  • 15%
  • 60%
  • 70%
  • 50%




Very good test, helped me test my knowledge, the last one tripped me up a little, did not see the 'im' in front of possible :D, 4/5 stars.

Becky Simpson


It is  good quiz however, not sure on question 5 as I think that it is 66% so i was very confused when I got that question and it was not there. Other than that really good quiz :)

Charlotte Campbell


Got my exam tomorrow and this really helped x thank you! x



Thanks guys & Becky i confirmed that from the AQA book :) The insecure-avoidant were 15% and insecure-ambivalent were 15%. So it adds up to 100%! :D 



66%, thanks for the quiz! really helpful. 

Jumela Begum


Awesome, learnt something new from q.10 that i didn't know previously. Thanks. 

zara foster


i thought it was high staff to child ratio. because then one staff member would only have fewer children??



Its low, which means that for every staff there is fewer children. If it was high it would for every staff member there is more children 

:) PurpleJaguar (: - Team GR


Really good quiz and very helpful 

I have my exam today so this was good for the last minute revision I am doing 

Thanks a lot :)

We're all going to die



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