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6. When bacteria and viruses enter the body they rapidly ................... Which word fills the missing gap?

  • Reproduce
  • Dish out the 'justice-fries'
  • Produce toxins
  • Take over organs

7. Is this true or false? Pathogens are injected into the blood stream of an ill person so that the thing making them ill attacks the foreign pathogens rather than the body's cells.

  • False
  • True

8. Which of these is a famous superbug?

  • MRSA
  • Extremophile
  • MMR
  • CNS

9. True or false? Your body fat cushions your internal organs as well as acting as a store for energy

  • True
  • False

10. Which type of tissue transfers more energy?

  • Muscle
  • Fat

11. Each virus is a different shape. It's shape simply depends on it's function... True or false?

  • False
  • True

12. What is the culture medium used called (when growing bacterium)?

  • The air
  • Strawberry jelly
  • Agar jelly
  • Soil

13. Who discovered Penicillin and when?

  • Semmelweis, 1929
  • Semmelweis, 1928
  • Fleming, 1928
  • Fleming, 1929

14. True or false? Both bacteria and viruses produce toxins in an attempt to damage the body

  • False
  • True

15. Which is untrue?

  • Some (but not all) scientist think that a person's metabolic rate is affected by genetics
  • Men generally have lower metabolic rates because they have a higher proportion of muscle to fat than women
  • Metabolic rate is the rate at which chemical reactions occur in th ebody

16. White blood cells produce .................. to target a specific bacterium's ............... .

  • Antigens, toxins
  • Antibodies, antigens
  • Antigens, antibodies
  • Antitoxins, antibodies

17. Do viruses have regular or irregular shapes?

  • Regular
  • Irregular

18. What is 'good cholesterol' used for?

  • For cell membranes and to make vital substances
  • As a 'friendly thickening agent' for your blood
  • Cell reproduction (and growth) and to make vital substances
  • To keep your energy levels balanced

19. Which refers to a disease that spreads within a country?

  • Epidemic
  • Pandemic

20. Why are viruses difficult to kill?

  • They take over the body's cells and treatment could damage the body (in an effort to kill the viruses)
  • Because they;re really small to see which makes them difficult to locate in the body