Approaches - The Psychodynamic Approach

In psychodynamics what is referred to as like an iceburg? What are the three parts?
The mind - Pre-conscious, conscious and subconscious.
1 of 15
What are we born with according to Freud? What is the most important part of life for the psychodynamic theory?
Instincts and drives - Early childhood experiences (up to 6 years).
2 of 15
What part of personality is the first to develop according to Freud, and is also known as the pleasure principle?
3 of 15
What are the other two parts and what principles/roles are they for?
Ego: reality - Superego: morality.
4 of 15
What defense mechanism is when an unpleasant memory is pushed into the unconscious and is not accessible to the conscious mind?
5 of 15
What is it where there is a refusal to accept the reality of an unpleasant situation? (Part One)
6 of 15
Name the other and define it. (Part Two)
Displacement - A focus of strong emotion is expressed upon a neutral object.
7 of 15
Name the five stages of development that children go through.
Oral, anal, phalic, latent and genital.
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What are the stages called as a group?
Psychosexual stages.
9 of 15
What is the process that girls desire their father and worry about not having a penis? What is the process where boys desire their mother and worry about their father finding out? What stage does this happen?
Electra complex - Oedipus complex - Genital.
10 of 15
What do boys fear the father will do to them? And what does the boy do in response to this?
Castration (castrastion anxiety) - identify.
11 of 15
What type of study did Eysenck run? What % of people with anxiety disorders recovered with psychotherapy? How many without treatment? (Part One)
Meta-analysis of 1000's of case studies - 66% with psychotherapy - 705 without treatment.
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What does the above study suggest about the effectiveness of psychotherapy? What does it suggest about Freud's ideas? (Part Two)
Suggests that psychotherapy is ineffective - Underlying principles are invalid.
13 of 15
Much of Freud's work comes from the use of case studies, what do we call this type of psychology? What is a criticism of this?
Ideographic research - Can't generalise findings of case studies to the wider population.
14 of 15
Apart from using case studies, why is Freud's work seen as unscientific?
Concepts are not generalised and are often difficult to test empir
15 of 15

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Card 2


What are we born with according to Freud? What is the most important part of life for the psychodynamic theory?


Instincts and drives - Early childhood experiences (up to 6 years).

Card 3


What part of personality is the first to develop according to Freud, and is also known as the pleasure principle?


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Card 4


What are the other two parts and what principles/roles are they for?


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Card 5


What defense mechanism is when an unpleasant memory is pushed into the unconscious and is not accessible to the conscious mind?


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