Approaches studies

  • Created by: asusre
  • Created on: 05-05-21 18:56
What study found the concordance rates for schizophrenia between MZ and DZ twins and what are they?
Gottesman (1991) found that MZ twins have a 48% concordance rate and DZ twins have a 17% concordance rate for schizophrenia.
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What study found a genetic basis for aggression?
Lea et al (2005) researched the genetic basis of aggression and found the MAOA gene (or warrior gene), which is found in a third of men.
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What study found that antidepressants are not always effective?
Cipriani et al (2018) found that there were wide variations in the effectiveness of antidepressants.
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What study found that MZ and DZ twins do not have equally similar environments.
Joseph (2004) found that MZ face more similar environments than DZ twins.
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Who opened the first psychology lab and when?
Wundt opened the first psychology lab in 1879 to investigate the nature of human consciousness.
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Who was first to challenge introspection?
Early behaviourists such as Watson (1913) saw introspection as unreliable as it invloved unobservable processes and produced subjective data from which it was difficult to establish general principles.
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What study challenges introspection by claiming that we have little knowledge of the underlying causes of behaviour?
Nisbett and Wilson (1977) challenged introspection with the claim that we have very little knowledge of the underlying causes of our behaviour.
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With which study did introspection make a comeback?
Csikszentmihalyi and Hunter (2003) used introspection to make happiness a measurable phenomenon.
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What is a negative ethical implication of environmental determinism?
Environmental determinism can be used to justify crimes e.g., Stephen Mobley's 1981 murder defence that he was ‘born to kill’ as evidenced by a family history of violence.
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What is one example of environmental reductionism?
Dollard and Miller (1950) explain caregiver attachment using classical conditioning - the attachment forms because the infant associates the caregiver with food.
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What research is evidence for the role of schema?
Bugelski and Alampay (1962) showed that schema influenced the participants' expectations of sensory stimuli as they perceived the 'rat-man' as similar to the images they had seen before - of faces or animals.
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What model shows how theoretical models are refined over time?
The working memory model was first proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), initially with three main sections, but a fourth section was added by Baddeley (2000).
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What study found the areas of the brain associated with guilt?
Burnett et al (2009) found that when people feel guilty, the medial prefrontal cortex is active, an area associated with social emotions.
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What study found the areas of the brain associated with depression?
Davidson et al (2002) found that depression is associated with dysfunctional circuits in the pre-frontal cortex and limbic system
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What study found that humans do not have free will?
Libet et al. (1983) showed unconscious preparatory activity in the brain preceding awareness of the will to act.
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What study distinguished patients in a vegetative state from patients with locked-in syndrome?
Monti et al. (2010) gave patients two mental imagery tasks. Patients who were able to perform motor imagery tasks had locked-in syndrome but had been misdiagnosed as being in a vegetative state.
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Which study introduced classical conditioning?
Pavlov (1927) proposed classical conditioning.
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Which study introduced operant conditioning?
Skinner (1953) came up with operant conditioning.
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Which study explains why some species are harder to condition than others?
Seligman (1970) suggested the concept of preparedness to explain why some species are harder to condition than others.
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What study is evidence for modelling?
Bandura (1961) investigated behaviour of children who watched models behave quietly or aggressively towards a Bobo doll.
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What study shows the real-world application of understanding of criminal behaviour?
Akers (1998) shows people are more likely to engage in criminal behaviour when exposed to models who do so, identifying with these models and expecting positive consequences for this behaviour.
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What study shows research support for identification?
Fox and Bailenson (2009) found evidence for identification by having their participants watch computer-generated humans, who looked like their participants, engaging in exercise. The participants engaged in more exercise in the 24 hours after watching thi
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What study shows the limitation that the social learning theory has a problem of causality?
Siegel and McCormick (2006) argue that delinquency is not caused by exposure to deviant models but possession of deviant attitudes prior to contact with deviant peers, which leads them to seek out deviant peers with similar attitudes.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What study found a genetic basis for aggression?


Lea et al (2005) researched the genetic basis of aggression and found the MAOA gene (or warrior gene), which is found in a third of men.

Card 3


What study found that antidepressants are not always effective?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What study found that MZ and DZ twins do not have equally similar environments.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who opened the first psychology lab and when?


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