
What are the assumptions of the biological approach?
• Everything psychological is at first biological. • Behaviour originates from biological structures: genes, nervous system and neurochemistry • The mind is within in the brain so all behaviour has a physical basis.
1 of 7
Explain genotype and phenotype?
Genotype: The genetic makeup that predisposes an individual to certain behaviours. Phenotype: the characteristics shown by are person as an expression of their genotype
2 of 7
What are concordance rates in the two types of twins?
Mono-zygotic: 100% Dy-zygotic: 50% The probability that a trait found in one twin is also found in the other
3 of 7
What is the CNS?
The central nervous system which is made up of the brain and spinal cord.It contains billions of neurons that have specific functions for the body
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Who was H.M and what did he demonstrate?
Had his hippocampus removed and was no longer able to lay down new memories suggesting a role of memory formation. This demonstrates that specific structures in the brain are responsible for certain functions.
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What is neurochemistry?
Neurotransmitters are the chemicals found in the brain which are responsible for transmitting impulses to and from nuerons. E.g there are links between low levels of serotonin and OCD.
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What are the strengths of the biological approach?
Real life application-increased understanding, effective treatments, altering neurotransmitter levels behaviour has a biological basis. Scientific methods- twin studies
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Card 2


Explain genotype and phenotype?


Genotype: The genetic makeup that predisposes an individual to certain behaviours. Phenotype: the characteristics shown by are person as an expression of their genotype

Card 3


What are concordance rates in the two types of twins?


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Card 4


What is the CNS?


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Card 5


Who was H.M and what did he demonstrate?


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