AP 4

What is law of young and laplace?
if there are different size alveoli then the pressure will be higher in the smaller ones, however they will collapse so air will move to the bigger ones
1 of 15
What is pulmonary surfactant made up of?
80% phospholipids, 10% neutral lipids, 10% surfactant proteins
2 of 15
Which surfactant proteins are hydrophobic
SP-B and SP-C
3 of 15
What is electromyography?
The recording of muscle electrical activity
4 of 15
How do monitor lizards breath and run?
By using gular pumping to hold their breath and move fast
5 of 15
How do iguanas breathe?
They are aspiration breathers, they cant breathe and move at the same time
6 of 15
Why is respiration and locomotion linked?
To save enrergy by breathing and moving at the same time and to allow for changes in speed/flexibility
7 of 15
What us the key functions of pulmonary surfactant? (6)
Lowers ST at air liquid interface, prevent collapse of airways and alveoli, increases lung compliance, prevents oedema, stimulates lung host defence and enhances mucous clearance in the lungs
8 of 15
What is surfactant secreted by?
Lamellar bodies found in type II cells
9 of 15
What is surface tension?
Found wherever there is an air liquid interface due to unequal forces of attraction
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What does surfactant do in mammals?
Prevents lung dessication as there is high surface tension
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What does surfactant do in birds?
Reduces ST and removes water from lungs preventing possible flooding of the parabronchi
12 of 15
How is surfactant secretion controlled?
via hormone release from SNS and pSNS (adrenaline and AcTH), also altering temperature
13 of 15
What is surfactant high in DPPC like?
low fluidity and ST in an ordered state, leads to lung compression
14 of 15
What is surfactant of mixed monolayer like?
high fluidity and ST in a disordered state, causes lung expansion
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is pulmonary surfactant made up of?


80% phospholipids, 10% neutral lipids, 10% surfactant proteins

Card 3


Which surfactant proteins are hydrophobic


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is electromyography?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do monitor lizards breath and run?


Preview of the front of card 5
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