Animal Farm quiz

Who is the Farmer that owns 'Manor farm'?
Mr Jones
1 of 30
When can it be argued that the corruption starts?
When the pigs steal the milk
2 of 30
What leader is Napoleon based on?
3 of 30
What word beginning with 'T' describes Napoleon?
4 of 30
What aspect of leadership does Squealer represent?
5 of 30
What chapter is Snowball expelled?
Chapter 5
6 of 30
Complete the quote- "our lives are miserable, ___ and short.
7 of 30
Complete the quote- "_____ everything they were told."
8 of 30
What is this definition explaining? 'The use of irony and exaggeration to expose and criticises people's stupidity.'
9 of 30
When was the Russian Revolution?
10 of 30
Orwell uses 'Animal Farm' to criticise what?
The Soviet Myth
11 of 30
What is a key factor that meant the animals could be easily manipulated?
Lack of Education
12 of 30
What 'A' is Animal farm?
13 of 30
What Chapter does the Battle of the Cowshed occur?
Chapter 4
14 of 30
What happens in the Battle of the Cowshed?
Snowball organises everyone and charges forward, he gets hit by a bullet, strategic methods are used, Napoleon is absent, the humans retreat.
15 of 30
After chapter 6 who are the failures of the farm blamed on?
16 of 30
How many commandments were there?
17 of 30
Complete the quote- "All animals are ____ but some are more _____ than _____"
equal, equal, others
18 of 30
What is the correct quote?
"They looked from pig to man, it was impossible to say which was which."
19 of 30
The different levels of power on animal farm is an example of what?
20 of 30
Complete the quote- "Yet another ______ that the animals had remembered ___"
Commandment, wrong
21 of 30
What historical event do the executions in chapter 7 represent?
Stalin's purges
22 of 30
What is the Proletariat?
The working class
23 of 30
What is the Bourgeoise?
The upper class
24 of 30
What is ad hominem?
A personal attack on an opponent
25 of 30
What is Ad nauseam?
Constant repetition of an idea
26 of 30
What does speciiouss mean and how does it occur in the novel?
Seeming plausible but actually wrong- the figures Squealer reads out in terms of the farms profits
27 of 30
Who in the novel are in a triumvirate?
Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer
28 of 30
Who does Old major represent?
Karl Marx
29 of 30
Name one way that Napoleon makes the animals believe his ideas.
Re-writes history
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When can it be argued that the corruption starts?


When the pigs steal the milk

Card 3


What leader is Napoleon based on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What word beginning with 'T' describes Napoleon?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What aspect of leadership does Squealer represent?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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