Animal Farm-Contol

P- 4 ____ confessed to destroy the ________. E- ‘Prompting to confess that they had been secretly in touch with ________.’ E- They had planned to _______ the ________. C- This represented _______ working with other people.
P- pigs/windmill E- Snowball E- destroy/windmill. C- Trotsky
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P- Controlled their _______. E- ‘____ fell short... for days at a time the _______ had nothing to eat, drastically reduced. E- The ____ ate well but the other animals didn’t really eat. C- 7-8 _______ people died of _________.
P- Rations E- food/ animals E- pigs C- million/ starvation
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P- ________ also threatens the animals with _____ returning. E- ‘surly comrades you don’t want _____ back.’ E- _______ tricked them and made them think that they must do everything Napoleon said otherwise _____ would come back. C- _____ would
P- Napoleon/ Jones E- jones E- Napoleon
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Gain control by scaring the with the possibility of the old ______.
C- Stalin/ regime
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P- Threatening them with the ____. E- ‘4 pigs in the ____.’ E- ________ threatened the animals with the dogs. C- ______ secret police is represented by this.
P-dogs. E- reck. E- Napoleon C- Stalin
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P- controlling their _______ hours. E- ‘worked longer _____, fed no more.’ E-_______ had secret dogs to chase ________ of the ____. C- The ____ represent the secret ______.
P- working E- hours. E- Napoleon/ snowball/ farm C- dogs/ police
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P- ________ used squealer to control their thoughts with clever words and lies. E- ‘comrades, I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifices that comrade ________ has made.’ E- he tricks them into believing ________ with his clever
P- Napoleon. E-Napoleon. E- squealer
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Words and lies. C- ________ is a propagandist. Propaganda is biased or misleading information to promote a point of view. It was used a great deal by ______.
C- squealer/ Stalin
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________ also removes democracy very quickly in the novel. E- ‘Sunday meeting would come to an ___. E- he removes all votes and things to do with _________ . C- ______ took full control of the decisions of becoming a dictator.
P- Napoleon. E-end. E-democracy. C- Stalin
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


P- Rations E- food/ animals E- pigs C- million/ starvation


P- Controlled their _______. E- ‘____ fell short... for days at a time the _______ had nothing to eat, drastically reduced. E- The ____ ate well but the other animals didn’t really eat. C- 7-8 _______ people died of _________.

Card 3


P- Napoleon/ Jones E- jones E- Napoleon


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


C- Stalin/ regime


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


P-dogs. E- reck. E- Napoleon C- Stalin


Preview of the back of card 5
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