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6. Forearm flexors which is true

  • posterior compartment of arm
  • associated with extension of the wrist
  • all innervated by ulnar and median nerve C6/7
  • supination
  • divided into two layers superficial and deep

7. which is false of the superficial flexor group

  • flexor carpi ulnaris supplied by the median nerve C6/7
  • pronator teres part of group
  • all arise from the medial epicondyle
  • flexor carpi radialis part of group

8. which is false of the deep and intermediate flexor groups

  • flexor pollicis longus to distal phalanx of thumb
  • flexor digitorium profundus attaches to terminal phalanx of each finger
  • pronator quadratus part of the deep group
  • flexor digitorium superficialis deep group attaches to middle phalanx of each finger
  • flexor digitorium profundus to digits four and five supplied by ulna nerve

9. which is true of the median nerve in the forearm

  • supplies extensors
  • inneravtes the posterior compartment
  • anterior interosseous arises from it
  • passes to the lateral side of the flexor retinaculum

10. radial nerve which is false

  • superficial branch is motor
  • deep and superficial branches
  • superficial branch passes around the radial side of the forearm
  • supplies extensors
  • vulnerable in shaft of humerus and head of radius

11. which is false of the ulna nerve

  • passes down the medial side of the arm
  • supplies flexors
  • passes posteriorly around the medial epicondyle
  • passes under the flexor retinaculum
  • two small cutaneous branches plamar and dorsal branch

12. the brachial artery enters the forearm passing through the cubital fossa and dividing into the cephalic and basilic veins

  • False
  • True

13. which is false of the radial artery

  • passes through the lateral aspect of the arm
  • lateral to the tendon of the barchiradialis tendon
  • originates form the neck of radius
  • a branch of brachial
  • travels medial to the superficail branch of the radial nerve

14. which is true of the ulna artery

  • deep to the flexor retinaculum
  • leaves the ACF passing superficial to the pronator teres muscle
  • passes down the medial side of the arm
  • smaller than the radial

15. which is false of pronation and supination and the bones/ muscles involved

  • supination in a flexed elbow allows for easier supination due to biceps
  • the articular surface of the radius head slides over the radial notch of the ulna
  • held together by the annular ligament, interosssoeus membrane and the articular disc
  • involves rotation of the ulna at the elbow and movement of the distal end of the radius over the ulna
  • the head of radius spins on the capitulum

16. movements of the forearm and hand which is false

  • wrist and finger extension posterior interosseous C7/8
  • flexion of the wrist C6/7 median and ulnar nerve
  • flexion of fingers FDP/FDS/FPL C7/8 median nerve
  • pronation and supination median C6/7, radial C5/C6 and musctaneous C5/C6

17. which is true of the proximal row of carpal bones

  • pisiform bone sesimoid bone articulates with lunate
  • triquetral four sided bone
  • lunate and scaphoid articulate with distal radius
  • lunate boat shaped
  • scaphoid crescent shaped

18. which is true of the carpal bones distal row

  • hamate which has a sesimiod bone shaped like a hook
  • trapezium articulates with the thumb
  • capitates head articulates with third metatarsal
  • trapezoid has three sides

19. which is false of the metacarpals

  • consists of a base,shaft, anatomical neck and head
  • five bones
  • bases articulate with the carpal bones
  • heads form the knuckles
  • head articulates with the proximal phalanges

20. related to the hand which is false

  • the digits are named the thumb, index, middle, ring and little finger
  • the fingers and the thumb are broken down into proximal, middle and distal phalanges
  • the joint between the metacarpals and the proximal phalanx is called the MCP
  • two joints in the fingers the proximal inter phalangeal joint and the distal interphalngeal joint