An Inspector Calls - The Inspector

  • Created by: Logan1
  • Created on: 28-10-20 10:28
Q. What is happening just as the Inspector enters?
Q. Why is this significant?
Mr Birling is preaching to Gerald and Eric about a man looking after himself and his own.

Priestley times his entrance to literally cut Birling off, highlighting his objection to these views.
1 of 9
Q. What does ‘an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness’ tell us?
The Inspector is a large presence, he remains solid and unbreakable unlike the others and he
remains in control throughout, driven by his purpose
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Q. He has a ‘disconcerting habit of looking hard’ at the person he is talking to. What is the effect of this?
It is unnerving and accusatory.
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Q. He deals with ‘one line of enquiry at a time’. What does this tell us and what is the effect?
The Inspector works in a methodical way; he controls the pace and action throughout.
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Q. What type of language does the Inspector use when he describes Eva’s death?
Emotive, shocking, aggressive.
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Q. What type of language does the Inspector use in his final speech? Can you recall a specific technique?
Persuasive e.g. rule of three, emotive language, hyperbole, metaphor etc.
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Q. Who is the Inspector talking to when he says ‘don’t stammer and yammer at me again, man’?
Mr Birling
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Q. Can you recall one stage direction which tells us the way that he talks to the Birlings?
Any of these or similar: Carefully, weightily, firmly, sternly, harshly, cutting in, steadily,
impressively, dryly, slowly.
8 of 9
Q. Who says about him: ‘his manner was so severe’?
Mrs Birling.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Q. What does ‘an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness’ tell us?


The Inspector is a large presence, he remains solid and unbreakable unlike the others and he
remains in control throughout, driven by his purpose

Card 3


Q. He has a ‘disconcerting habit of looking hard’ at the person he is talking to. What is the effect of this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Q. He deals with ‘one line of enquiry at a time’. What does this tell us and what is the effect?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Q. What type of language does the Inspector use when he describes Eva’s death?


Preview of the front of card 5
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