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6. what is the first chamber occupied by the juvenile in an ammonoid called?

  • body chamber
  • protoconch
  • aperture

7. true or false, ammonoids evolved to become more complex in their suture lines

  • true
  • false

8. what is the term for the suture lines are simple?

  • heteromorphic
  • orthoceratitic
  • ceratitic
  • goniatitic

9. which order were the ammonoids oldest - youngest

  • goniatites, ceratites, ammonites
  • ceratites, ammonites, goniatites
  • goniatites, ammonites, cerratites
  • ammonites, ceratites, goniatites

10. what is the phylum of nautiloids and ammonoids

  • echinodermata
  • mollusca
  • cnidaria
  • cephlapoda

11. when did ammonoids become extinct?

  • cretaceous
  • cambrian
  • jurrasic
  • triassic

12. was the siphuncle of an ammonoid in the centre of the body or towards the venter?

  • towards the venter
  • in the center

13. were the septal necks of a nautiloid facing away or towards the aperture?

  • away
  • towards