
An Alkane is hydrocarbons linked together with single bonds
1 of 5
A hydrocarbon is a mixture of carbon and hydrogen
2 of 5
Fractional Distillation
Fractional Distillation is where crude oil is heated to 350 degrees centigrade and as it hits different temperatures gas starts to rise and as it condenses it goes off into a tube and that is called a fraction
3 of 5
Crude oil
Crude oil is all oils in the original form and has impurities and hasn't been tampered with
4 of 5
An alkene is like alkanes because they are hydrocarbons but instead of being joined by a single bond it is joined with a saturated bond where the carbon atoms join with anything
5 of 5

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Card 2


A hydrocarbon is a mixture of carbon and hydrogen



Card 3


Fractional Distillation is where crude oil is heated to 350 degrees centigrade and as it hits different temperatures gas starts to rise and as it condenses it goes off into a tube and that is called a fraction


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Card 4


Crude oil is all oils in the original form and has impurities and hasn't been tampered with


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Card 5


An alkene is like alkanes because they are hydrocarbons but instead of being joined by a single bond it is joined with a saturated bond where the carbon atoms join with anything


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