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6. which of these tests produce positive results for aldehydes but not ketones?

  • fehlings solution, benedict's solution and tollens reagent
  • PCl5, benedict's solution and tollens reagent
  • damp red litmus paper

7. to test for an alcohol

  • burn it and smoky fumes will be produced
  • add PCl5 and misty fumes will be produced
  • Add PCl3 and misty fumes will be produced

8. primary alcohols are oxidised to

  • ketones
  • alkanes
  • aldehydes and carboxylic acids
  • aldehydes

9. chloroalkanes can also be made using

  • H2SO4
  • PCL5
  • CH4

10. Which group of an alcohol can form H bonds?

  • -CH2
  • C-C
  • -OH
  • CH3