Aeneid Book 7

  • Created by: Zmarston1
  • Created on: 31-05-18 18:16
In the second half of the Aeneid, Virgil invokes a muse and calls his work "a higher order of things" Which muse did he invoke?
Erato the muse of love
1 of 12
What is the name of the son of Mezentius who leads the Etruscans into battle?
2 of 12
Aeneas claims that his father told him the prophecy that he would know where to settle when he was "eating your tables" but who was the prophesy originally given by?
Celeano the harpy
3 of 12
What is the name of the king of the Latins?
4 of 12
What is the name of the daughter of the king of the Latins?
5 of 12
To whom was Lavinia betrothed before the prophecies said she was to marry Aeneas?
6 of 12
What starts the war in Latium?
Iulus killing the stag of Silvia
7 of 12
What is the name of the queen of the Latins?
8 of 12
What are opened by Juno that were eventually closed twice by Augustus?
The gates of the temple of Janus
9 of 12
Who leads the Rutulians into battle?
10 of 12
Which female warrior leads the Volscians into battle?
11 of 12
What is the name of the fury that Juno sends?
12 of 12

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Card 2


What is the name of the son of Mezentius who leads the Etruscans into battle?



Card 3


Aeneas claims that his father told him the prophecy that he would know where to settle when he was "eating your tables" but who was the prophesy originally given by?


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Card 4


What is the name of the king of the Latins?


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Card 5


What is the name of the daughter of the king of the Latins?


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