
  • Created by: nina
  • Created on: 27-05-13 16:38
what do organisms need to survive and reproduce?
supply of materials from their surroundings and other organisms
1 of 23
what are abiotic factors? give some examples
non living, such as the climate, light, terrain, water
2 of 23
what are biotic factors? give some examples
Living, such as food, mating, disease, human activity
3 of 23
what do animals often compete with each other for?
food, water, territory, mates
4 of 23
what do plants often compete with each other for?
water, space, minerals, light
5 of 23
what surface area to volume ratio do animals in cold environments have?
small surface area to volume
6 of 23
what are some of the ways animals in cold climates keep warm?
thick layers of fat and fur, small ears
7 of 23
why do animals in hot climates have a large surface area to volume ratio?
to release more heat
8 of 23
what are some of the ways animals in hot climates survive?
little fur and fat, last a while without water, nocturnal
9 of 23
how do cacti survive in the desert?
small leaves and spines, store water in stems, extensive root systems
10 of 23
what is the name for organisms living in extreme conditions?
11 of 23
what are defence mechanisms? give some examples
protection for organisms e.g. camouflage, thorns, poisons, warning colours/smells
12 of 23
what affects the distribution of organisms?
changes in the environment
13 of 23
what do we call a species that is sensitive to pollution?
pollution indicator
14 of 23
what type of plant is used to detect sulphur dioxide in the air?
15 of 23
what sort of air do bushy lichens need?
completely clean air
16 of 23
what sort of air can leafy lichens survive in?
clean with a bit of pollution
17 of 23
what sort of air can crusty lichens survive in?
18 of 23
if no lichens are growing, what does it tell us about the air?
it's heavily polluted
19 of 23
what can be used as water pollution indicators?
20 of 23
lots of species will be able to survive in water sort of stream?
clean, well-oxygenated
21 of 23
what does it tell us if a low number of species are living in a stream?
it's polluted
22 of 23
list some equipment used to measure environmental change
oxygen probes, rain gauge, thermometer
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are abiotic factors? give some examples


non living, such as the climate, light, terrain, water

Card 3


what are biotic factors? give some examples


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what do animals often compete with each other for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what do plants often compete with each other for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Try using this set of three resources (under multi-tools heading) to test understanding of adaptation which is a topic found in all GSCE biology specifications. Some of three word answers in the crossword are challenging unless you have tackled the authors flash cards first. 

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