

  • Created by: Alicia
  • Created on: 20-05-13 11:25
What was the Act in Retrait of Appeals and when was it?
In 1533, Ended appeals to Rome and ordered them to be heard by English court instead. It also clarified the Royal Supremacy for the first time.
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What other Acts were put into place in 1532?
The clergys submission in 1532 was put into statutory form. Appeals to Rome were forbidden unless in cerain circumstances. The Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates made permanent. English bishops no longer appointed by Rome but by the King
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What was the Act of Dispensations and when was it?
1534, This stopped all payments to Rome including Peters Pence.
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What was the Act of Succession and when was it?
1534, Registered the invalidity of Henrys marriage to Catherine and validity of Henry's marriage to Anne. Mary was basterdised, Elizabeth legitimised. It became a treasonable offence to speak maliciously aganist his second marriage.
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What was the Treason Act and when was it?
1534. Made it a capital offence to slander the Supremacy or to deny the Kings new title.
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What was First Fruit and Tenths?
This meant that a Benefice holder was to pay one years income to the Crown and an annual levy of 1/10 to the crown.
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What was the Valor Ecclesiasticus
It detailed all clerical incomes in order for Henry to have an accurate picture of how much property the areas of revenue the church possessed.
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How much was paid to Rome? Then how much to Henry?
Rome £4,800 a year; Henry: £51,770 a year in 1536.
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Card 2


What other Acts were put into place in 1532?


The clergys submission in 1532 was put into statutory form. Appeals to Rome were forbidden unless in cerain circumstances. The Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates made permanent. English bishops no longer appointed by Rome but by the King

Card 3


What was the Act of Dispensations and when was it?


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Card 4


What was the Act of Succession and when was it?


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Card 5


What was the Treason Act and when was it?


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