ABCDE Assessment

What are the first steps in the ABCDE assessment
Make introductions, gain consent and put on PPE
1 of 22
What are the signs of a non-patent airway
cyanosis, stridor, snoring, gurgling, angioedema (swelling of the throat), use of accessory muscles, foreign object, patient unconscious, patient unable to talk
2 of 22
What are the causes of airway compromise
inhaled foreign object, blood in the airway, vomit/secretions, depressed level of consciousness, laryngospasm (ie.asthma)
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What are the interventions for airway compromise?
Head tilt chin lift, jaw thrust (trauma patients), oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, suctions, finger sweep
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What is the normal heart rate
60-100bpm (royal marsden manual, 2015)
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What is the normal blood pressure machine?
110-140 (systolic)
70-80 (dyastolic)
(royal marsden manual, 2015)
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What is the normal temperature range?
36.1-37.5 (resuscitation council, 2021)
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What are the causes of hypotension?
Hypovolemia, sepsis, adrenal crisis, drugs (opioids and diuretics)
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What are the causes of hypertension?
Hypervolemia, stroke, sepsis
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What does BUFALO mean?
Blood cultures, urine output, fluid therapy, antibiotics, lactate and oxygen therapy
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What are the key signs of an Acute Kidney Injury?
nausea and vomiting, dehydration, confusion, reduced urine output, abdominal pain and back pain, high blood pressure, oedema/hypervolemia.
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What is the equation for urine output
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What would pallor suggest?
suggests underlying anemia (ie. haemorrage) or poor perfusion
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What does an oedema suggest?
swelling of the limbs and hypovolemia
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How would you treat oedemas?
Raise the swollen area to allow blood flow, cystic drain, diuretics (frusemide)
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How much should a bolus of fluids be and how long should it run?
500ml of fluids and under 15 minutes
250ml under 15 minutes if the patient is at risk of overload or have extensive cardiac history.
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What is the normal blood sugar range and when should you check ketone levels?
4-7mmol and when blood sugar is above 14mmol
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What are the investigations in breathing?
ABG, chest x-ray, pulmonary angiogram (PE), oxygen therapy (nasal cannula 1-6L or non-rebreathe 15L), patient positioning upright.
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What is the normal CRP time?
Under 2 seconds.
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What could a raised jugular venous pressure (JVP) mean?
Right sided heart failure, tricuspid regurgitation, constrictive pericarditis
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What is a normal SP02% range?
94%-98% (British thorastic society, 2017)
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What are the interventions in cardiology?
12 lead ECG, bladder scan (low urine output), fluid output (low urine output), paracetamol (high temperature ), bear hugger (low/high temperature), pregnancy test.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the signs of a non-patent airway


cyanosis, stridor, snoring, gurgling, angioedema (swelling of the throat), use of accessory muscles, foreign object, patient unconscious, patient unable to talk

Card 3


What are the causes of airway compromise


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the interventions for airway compromise?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the normal heart rate


Preview of the front of card 5
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